Information Session, Hearing Scheduled Feb. 1, 2018

Ohio EPA will hold a public meeting to discuss the receipt of an application to discharge wastewater from the Enon Sand and Gravel quarry in Clark County.

An information session will begin at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018, in the Greenon High School cafeteria, 3950 S. Tecumseh Road, Springfield. A hearing will immediately follow the information session during which the public may submit comments on the permit application.

Enon Sand and Gravel’s quarry is located at 4100 Fairfield Pike, Springfield. The company has applied for a permit to discharge storm water, ground water and gravel washing process wastewater. The company estimates the average daily flow will be 720,000 gallons. The company proposes sending the flow to a settling basin to treat the water before discharging to an unnamed tributary of Mud Run.

The proposed project may result in a change from current water quality conditions, but cannot violate Ohio’s water quality standards that protect human health and the environment. Ohio EPA will consider technical, economic, social and environmental aspects of the project before deciding whether to issue or deny the permit.

Ohio EPA will accept written comments on the permit application through Feb. 8, 2018. Anyone may submit comments or request to be on the mailing list for information. To comment or receive information on the permit application, write to: Ohio EPA-DSW, Permits Processing Unit, P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049 or email