Diana McCubbin was sworn in by Enon Mayor Tim Howard on Tuesday, April 12 as the first Fiscal Officer. The change from an elected Clerk/Treasurer to an appointed Fiscal Officer occurred this year when no names appeared on the November ballot. Howard explained over the course of the early spring that the village would benefit by changing the position this year. The Ohio Revised Code allows for the creation of the position and allows the council to approve the appointment.
The position required that the individual be a resident of the village or that they move to the village within six months of the appointment. The individual holding the position may be removed from office without cause by the mayor with consent of the majority of council members. The removal can also be made by a three-fourths vote of the council without the mayor’s approval. This is different than the elected position.
The Duties and responsibilities of the office basically mirror those of the elected office. Salary for the position will also remain the same for McCubbin. The fiscal officer will now be an employee of the village and must follow the employee policy handbook.
McCubbin was joined for the swearing in ceremony by her husband Steve, her mother Mary Whitacre and her nephew Jeremy Whitacre who serves on village council.
McCubbin Sworn in as Village Fiscal Officer
- Written by Kathy Voytko