The Ohio Development Services Agency and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) want to remind Ohioans that assistance is available if you hav…
The Mad River Township Trustees held their organizational meeting on Monday after a delay of one week due to the hazardous weather conditions on January 6. Kathy Estep will serve as president of the board for 2014 and trustee Joe Catanzaro will serve as vice president. The trustees considered changing the concept of rotating contacts for the various departments, but agreed to make changes again this year. Trustee Catanzaro will be the contact for the township deputy, road and cemetery crews. Trustee Estep will be the liaison for the Enon Fire and EMS Department while trustee McClure will work with the Hustead Fire and Hustead EMS Departments. Area residents may continue to contact any of the trustees with concerns or road issues.…
The days leading up to Christmas were busy this year. Chief Young, our new Fire and EMS Chief experienced his first glimpse of what it is like in our hometown. In early December his team left the Santa parade with reindeer and lights on the truck to rescue folks trapped in vehicles on I-70.…
As the New Year began, property owners around Clark County found greetings from the Treasurer in the form of their annual tax bill. This year for the first time in a number of years, this piece of mail was opened in anticipation of seeing how the property revaluation process completed by County Auditor John Federer’s office would affect the bill.
On Friday evening before Christmas, vandals damaged eleven mailboxes in Houck Meadows and the Sunnybrook Trail area of the village. All of the boxes were rural style mounted to posts that were lifted out of the ground at some locations.…
The Safe and Sound program in Mad River Township has received a generous donation from one of their participants. Our readers may remember meeting Frances Steve-Gibbons back in 2012. Gibbons was 92 years young at the time and had recently visited the World War II Memorial in our nation’s capitol with a group of fellow veterans traveling on Honor Flight. Gibbons was interviewed wearing her Navy Nurse uniform that she wore while serving our country.
Heavy rains combined with melting snow created a “perfect storm” type of conditions for our area to receive intense flooding just before the holidays.…
The Mad River Township Trustees began their practice of holding meetings the day following a Monday holiday on Tuesday, January 21. Trustees learned that within a week since their last meeting January 13, the Enon/Mad River Township Fire and EMS Department had responded to yet another serious accident related to the extreme weather conditions. Chief Tracy Young reported that his crews responded to 174 calls in the month of December with the average response time of five minutes. The chief again praised his crew for their quick response and professional work with the Hustead crews at the accident between a semi and vehicle on S. Tecumseh Road. According to Chief Young the driver of the vehicle involved in the accident was transported to the hospital by ground due to weather conditions that did not allow for an air evacuation. The driver was treated and then transported by helicopter to The Ohio State Medical Center where he received additional treatment. Young reported that the driver was in critical condition and credited the crews for the driver’s survival noting that the physician indicated that this could have been a fatality. Young reported that the crews were summoned to a scene in Hunter’s Glen on January 20th for a gunshot wound and again acted with a high level of professionalism.…